Project Name: Makak
Investment Type : Land Development
Investment Period : 2 to 3 Years (Expected)
Investment Status : On Going
Location : Makak Village, Angk Snol District, Kondal Province
Projected R.O.I : 50%
Other Details : This way of investment is to purchase a piece of reasonable size land and cut into smaller plots then sell back to the local. They can choose to build house on it or hold it for land appreciation. It usually workable in out skirt village of Cambodia.
Location Map

Project Name: Kompong Trolach
Investment Type : Land Investment
Investment Period : 3 to 5 Years (Expected)
Investment Status : On Going
Location : Kompong Trolach Village, Prey Thom District Kep City
Projected R.O.I. : 100%
Other Details : This is purchasing of land for land appreciation due to potential development of that area. This place is very near to Sihaknok area where the Chinese is developing. As they likely expanding beyond Sihaknok due to area constraint. Kep City is the next choice along coast line. Hence this investment is highly potential of great return but required more holding time for the return.
Location Map

Project Name: Garden City
Investment Type : Land Investment
Investment Period : 1-3 Years
Investment Status : On Going
Location : Sangkat Ponsang, Khan Prek Pnov, Phnom Penh
Projected R.O.I. : 20% / 45% / 75%
Other Details : This is a project development. Looking at the potential demand and lacking for affordable housing in Phnom Penh, this investment can give good potential return.
Location Map

Project Name: Kos Roka
Investment Type : Land Investment
Investment Period : 3-5 Years
Investment Status : On Going
Location : Kos Roka Village, Kos Roka Commune, Peam Chhor District, Prey Veng Province
Projected R.O.I. : 200 % or more
Other Details : This is a high risk land investment strategy. It’s land investment near the border of Cambodia and Vietnam. A lot of activities are happening at the other borders and we are anticipating that is a matter of time the land price of this border will go up.
Location Map

Project Name: NR 44 Beat So
Investment Type : Land Investment
Investment Period : 2 Years
Investment Status : On Going
Location : NR 44, Village Beat So, Khtous Krang Cmmune, Samrong Torng District, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia
Projected R.O.I. : 48% to 212%
Other Details : This land investment is along NR 44 and is connected to NR 4 . NR 4 is the main NR that linked between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville. It is an area fueled by China One Belt Road Initiative. This location was selected for its good geographical location and the area is marked for industrial zoning by the Cambodian government. All the land purchased will be adjourning with land plot along NR 44 located in Village Beat So, Khtous Krang Cmmune, Samrong Torng District, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia and will form a total land bank for sub-sale.
Location Map

Project Name: Kao Totung
Investment Type : Land Investment (Island)
Investment Period : 5 to 10 Years
Investment Status : On Going
Location : Kao Totung island, Koh Kong province, Cambodia
Projected R.O.I. : 1000% or more
Other Details : The island Kao Totung is on Koh Kong province, Cambodia. It is near to Sihanoukville, areas fueled by China One Belt Road Initiative. This location was selected for its good geographical location and its potential for development into a tourist resort. The investment strategy includes land improvement, building of walls, the setup of a Visitors’ Jetty, Campers’ site, Tourists’ Kiosks, etc.
Location Map